COHCAA will be hosting a workshop on the Provision of management skills to Health care professionals. The workshop is set to be held on the 15 of July. The main purpose of the workshop is to improve interpersonal and management skills amongst healthcare professionals, so that individuals are able to manage their teams and subordinates.
The workshop lineup includes a prominent guest speaker who will address individual development needs so that individuals can deliver high-impact results in their organization. Effective interpersonal and management skills are essential for success at an organizational level.
Designed to aid the development of key management capabilities, the workshop is tailored to ensure that the learning outcomes are beneficial for the healthcare works and are of such which can be applied by them in their specific field. The main purpose of the workshop is to help people shift their beliefs about what a manager is supposed to do and we look at key management skills such as:
Delegation, Motivating and supporting hospital staff, Providing feedback, Keeping people on board, Becoming more decisive, Taking responsibility, Managing conflict, Establishing clear boundaries, Setting and achieving team and individual goals.
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